Friday, April 26, 2013

Be Prepared - Emergency Planning For Business

I spend a lot of time discussing potential disasters at home and the steps that you can take to protect yourself but what about losses at work with potentially even more serious consequences, not just because of the number of people affected but also because some companies have additional hazards that could create emergencies.

In addition to the risk to human life, there's the threat to the continuity of your business and the livelihood of your employees – and you!

Think you're ready for it? Try out this simple 10-point test from the Institute for Business and Home Safety:

Hmmm. Just as I thought – but if I was wrong, well, go to the top of the class! Check out the IBHS site, while you're there. You'll find some good tips on various hazard risks and programs dealing with them. I have a lot more information to share in the coming weeks so check back!

Friday, April 12, 2013

In Dealing With Emergencies Go To The Experts

In several previous blogs I have discussed what to do and how to insure for potential loss. Today I would like to point you to two organizations that understand disaster, loss and recovery. We all know their names but did you know they have terrific websites and resources available for planning for emergencies?

When it comes to dealing with emergencies and disasters, The American Red Cross really knows their stuff. So, if you have Internet access, check out that organization's online presentation, for information on preparing for emergencies and disasters. Find it here:
Another well known organization is FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency. They produce a wide range of publications and guidance for dealing with all kinds of disasters, including incidents for which I simply didn't have the space to cover here – such as chemical alerts, landslides and tsunamis, as well as valuable advice on recovery and rebuilding after a disaster. Their website is

I know that reviewing both of these websites won’t be as fun as playing “angry birds’ or checking Facebook but knowing where to look for support and information in advance of a loss is a great way to be prepared.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Health Insurance Exchanges Slow to Develop

If you have been wondering about the health insurance exchanges that states are to have ready for their citizens so am I. All citizens of the United States are to have health insurance as of 01/01/2014 and the development of health exchanges are supposed to help make buying insurance an easy experience. States could opt to form their own exchanges, or work with the Fed to develop on a partnership basis and finally not form an exchange and allow the Fed to complete for them.


With the requirement for health insurance for so many new customers the sooner that we know what the plans are and the prices the easier it will be for everyone to make the transition. Many of my clients have asked what is going to happen after 01/01/2014 and while I know what the law states I don’t know much beyond that. I am hoping that by this summer we will have a comprehensive listing of health insurance plans to be offered and what roll that I as an agent will play in helping my clients.