All valuation methods have coinsurance clauses
in their contracts. Why this is important is the insurance carrier wants to
make certain that the building or item they are insuring is insured to full
value. If this wasn’t a consideration no one would insure a property item to
full value but would expect to be reimbursed in the event of a loss at full
value. In another words, a replacement cost valuation indicates that your
building is valued at $500,000. You only insure the building to $100,000 but
expect that in the event of a loss to be reimbursed for the full cost of
$500,000. I know what you are thinking, that doesn’t even make sense! Why would
someone insure their property for less than the value and expect to get a
settlement at the full value? The truth is this happens all the time. In fact,
most lawsuits are over valuation. There are a lot of reasons that owners may
not select the full insurance value for their building and property and often
it is simply a misunderstanding of valuation. Just like we discussed last week
an owner who is convinced that the building isn’t worth any more than the tax
assessed value or decides that the building isn’t worth anymore than a value a
realtor told them could be shocked to find out that the actual cost to replace
the building is far more. And, what happens over time? If you guessed that
costs go up you would be right. So if it cost you to $400,000 to build your
building twenty years ago does it make sense that it would still cost $400,000
to build it today? Of course not, but in many cases I find when working with
clients that they haven’t checked their valuation in years and the coverage
that they had stopped being adequate a long time ago. Unless you have inflation
guard included in your insurance plan your valuation is static and will remain
that way until your request the coverage changed.
Coinsurance applies when a building or
property item is underinsured. Most insurance companies will require you to
insure your building to 80%, 90% or 100% of replacement cost. If the actual
cost to replace the building is more than the insurance that you carry by
contract the insurance carrier can levee a coinsurance penalty. In the event of
a total loss your inability to collect the full amount of replacement for the
building can change what type of building that you end up with. However, in the
event of a partial loss I believe that the coinsurance penalty is even more
meaningful. Say that you had a partial fire loss to your $500,000 building. The
damage was $150,000. Unfortunately, you have been insured for $350,000 which is
only 70% of the true replacement cost of the building. Your insurance contract
requires that you maintain a replacement cost value of at least 90%. Your claim
will be subject to a 20% coinsurance penalty and you will not receive the full
cost of the insurance settlement for the repairs. So, based on your $150,000
claim the carrier will use a coinsurance penalty of 20% which is $30,000. You
will need to cover that plus you’re deductible.
This gets even more complicated when you have
multiple buildings and values. The best way to make certain that you are
adequately insured is to have a replacement cost valuation completed by your
agent and company at least every two years. Ultimately, you the owner are
responsible for selecting the correct insurance coverage however there are
tools available to help you and your insurance agent can be a great resource in
helping you to properly insure your building and its contents.
Hi...Thanks for sharing this amazing article. If there has proper home insurance for you , you can live tension free. I am waiting for your next knowledgeable post.